Environmentally Conscious Plumbing Tips

Solar Panels
Also, be sure to insulate around hot water pipes, this will ensure that the water temperature inside these pipes remains hot and will lessen the cost of maintaining them. This will also prevent your tenants or yourself from running cold water waiting for the water to turn hot. This ends up being a costly move when you add up the monthly expenses of just running water down the sink. not to mention the waste it has on the environment.
Water Leakage
You should also invest in some ‘low-flow aerators’ since they only cost about $5 and they can save you hundreds due to the fact that it lessens the water stream of taps.
You should also check for leaks in your toilets in your property by adding food coloring to the toilet tank and waiting for 4 minutes. If the bowl contains the color that you poured into the tank, then your toilet has a leak.
So if you’re in the St Kilda area and need a hand, then don’t hesitate! call us on (03) 9131 0626!